Conference Topics
The conference topics include (the list is indicative):
- Aeroelasticity
- Algorithms for structural health monitoring
- Constitutive modelling under earthquake loading
- Dynamics of concrete and masonry structures
- Dynamics of coupled problems
- Dynamics of micro systems
- Dynamics of steel structures
- Geotechnical earthquake engineering
- Impact dynamics
- Inverse problems in structural dynamics
- Multi-body dynamics
- Nonlinear dynamics
- Numerical simulation methods for dynamic problems
- Optimum design and control in structural dynamics and earthquake engineering
- Parallel and distributed computing – Cloud computing
- Performance-based earthquake engineering
- Reliability of dynamic systems
- Repair and retrofit of structures
- Seismic isolation
- Seismic risk and reliability analysis
- Soft computing applications
- Soil dynamics
- Soil-structure interaction
- Solution strategies for dynamic problems
- Sound and vibration
- Steel structures
- Stochastic dynamics
- Structural acoustics and vibro-acoustics
- Wave propagation